The Pilchi community owns 9200 hectares of primary forest in the Ecuadorian Amazon.
The objective of this project is to fully understand the biodiversity of the native forest land of the Pilchi and their ecological processes to be able to maintain its pristine status and condition.
The fields of work are:
• Mastozoologia
• Herpetology
• Entomology
• Ichthyology
• Vegetation cover
• Study of the Pilchi community and population dynamics on the forest.
• Perform an assessment of the forest with the aim of determining aspects related to the development, productivity and growth dynamics of the Pilchi community.
• Establish a network of plots for permanent research, study and measurement in the area of the Pilchi community in order to gather information for the proper planning of forestry activities, and to optimize the time and resources generated in the sustainable management of the forest resource.
• This first project allows you to gain an understanding of the local Pilchi knowledge of the forest, which in turn allows linkage with other projects such as studies of the phenology of species, the fruiting times, host-to-host interaction, etc.
• The placement of camera traps allows the study and registration of animal species (especially mammals), which allow us to address their conservation efforts and at the same time, under different methods, the status of the populations in the area.
Training selected people from the community in the recognition of basic methods of sampling, such as observation, camera traps and fingerprint recognition, identification of amphibians and reptiles, insects, fish and trees of the area.
Select and prepare local guides for visitors to inform them about the most common species in the area.
Information relevant to the species of mammals, amphibians and reptiles, insects, fish and plants from its uses and traditions, which are known legends from the ancestral memory of the community.
Develop and maintain trails for the observation of mammals, amphibians and reptiles, insects, fish and flora both in the morning and in the evening.
Research focused on the conservation and maintenance of the species of the area.